RDF API: 查询rdf triples,graph。支持对资源的增删查改。资源的常用表示形式
- resource: RDF source们通常是url或者anonymous
- literal: data values(数字,字符串等)
- Statement: RDF triple
- Model: whole graph
rdf graph通过interface graph进行储存,应该在store api level。实现这个接口,底层的存储介质和存储细节就不需要考虑了。
jena的语义层和储存层是分离的,inference api这一层主要处理语义相关的东西(通过RDF,RDFS和 OWL等)。他同时支持build in rule和exteranl reasoner。
sparql apl主要负责查询
ontology api支持RDFS和owl,负责语义相关的东西。
代码中ARQDatasetGraphKG中同时包含graph和schemagraph,graph是真正的数据,而schema graph作用是类型推断语义推断相关的东西。
Inference api sub system
application 通过modelfactory来访问inference层。modelfactory将数据和多个reasoner结合在一起生成一个新的model。对于这个model的query会返回基于reasoner推断出的数据结果
model实现了ModelGraphInterface,所以可以getGraph。Ontology API通过OntModel可以方便的链接reasoner,RDF API通过infModel来访问和控制graph
reasoner api通过bindSchema来绑定schema 或ontology data,通过bind来绑定数据(一个或多个图)。
reasoner list:
- Transitive reasoner: Provides support for storing and traversing class and property lattices. This implements just the transitive and reflexive properties of rdfs:subPropertyOf and rdfs:subClassOf.
- RDFS rule reasoner: Implements a configurable subset of the RDFS entailments.
- OWL, OWL Mini, OWL Micro Reasoners: A set of useful but incomplete implementation of the OWL/Lite subset of the OWL/Full language.
- Generic rule reasoner: A rule based reasoner that supports user defined rules. Forward chaining, tabled backward chaining and hybrid execution strategies are supported.
Manipulating SPARQL using ARQ
SPARQL会在处理时被翻译,一种是语法(syntax)层面的(query and element),一种是代数(algebra)层面的(操作)。